- Willoway offers a full day, 5 day per week program
- Campers may sign up for 2 and 4 week sessions
- We offer an 8 week season
- We are unable to split sessions or prorate for partial sessions
- Willoway is for campers ages 5-14. Campers must, at minimum, be rising kindergartners (e.g., age 5)
- Willoway's camper-to-staff ratio is unsurpassed, with approximately six campers per counselor.
- Counselors are mature – college students and/or teachers
- Counselors and staff take part in an intense week-long orientation and ongoing child-centered education throughout the summer
- Transportation is provided from centralized drop off locations at at 14/Lahser, Walnut Lake/Orchard Lake, Northwestern and Middlebelt, Lincoln/Coolidge, 14/Haggerty, and 15/Haggerty. Click here for more info
- Professionally trained, licensed drivers operate Willoway’s full-size school buses and vans.
- Pick up is between 8:30-9:00am and drop off is between 4:00-4:30 p.m.
- All vehicles are fully staffed with trained drivers and counselors singing, interacting and playing with campers. The camp day begins and ends on the vehicles.
- Parents may also opt to drop off and pick up campers directly from camp.
- Parents may arrange to pick their child up from camp early by contacting the Willoway office.
Campers will be grouped by gender and grade level with approximately 10-12 campers and two counselors. Giving your child an opportunity to make new friends is a guiding Willoway philosophy. Many campers come to camp not knowing anyone and make friends for life.
- Each group will be created with care. Friend/group requests will be honored as best we can, recognizing size limits, grade level, and gender. However, requests are not guaranteed, due to the complexity of assembling groups.
- On your enrollment application, there was an opportunity to make group requests (limited to a MAXIMUM of two).
- Please note: group requests received after April 1 or that differ from what you put on your enrollment application will be very difficult to fulfill.
- Group request information is not carried forward from summer to summer.
- To accommodate group requests, with the start of new sessions, your camper might have to change groups.
- Campers will find out their groups on the first day of the camp session.
- Willoway is for campers ages 5-14. Campers must, at minimum, be rising kindergartners (e.g., age 5)
Increasingly, cell phones seem important beginning at a young age. However, camp is a place for connecting with nature, building new friendships and generally being "unplugged".
With this in mind, cell phones are NOT to be used at camp, and are best left at home. Campers seen using their phones will be asked to put them back in their bags and if it becomes a bigger problem, we will take them away to be returned at the end of the day. Note that Willoway is not responsible for any lost or damaged electronics.
If there is a need for Willoway to contact you with information regarding your camper, we will do so. Similarly, if you need to reach us, please contact us directly, any time at 248-932-2123 or
Thank you for partnering with us in this regard.
We will attempt to reunite name labeled lost items with campers. If items have names, they will be held up at the end of the day and put in the lost and found area for campers to look for.
We are unable to respond to requests to look for lost items. Our staff are focused on caring for campers. Any unclaimed lost and found items will be available for parents to review on Saturday mornings at camp. At the conclusion of each two-week session, lost and found items will be donated to a local charity.
- Spacious indoor facilities and covered pavilions allow camp to continue during inclement weather.
- Campers may bring their own brown bag lunches, which are held in refrigerators until lunchtime.
- Willoway offers a catered lunch program for interested campers on a weekly basis. Click here for more information
- Friday cookouts are provided for all campers
- Beverages and snacks are provided each day for all campers.
- Continual communication keeps parents informed throughout the summer.
- If you have questions or concerns, we are always available at 248-932-2123 or
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What if I need to get in touch with Willoway’s senior staff or counselors during the camp day?
Willoway’s senior team handles all parent communication. Please contact us anytime, including evenings and weekends, at 248-932-2123 or
How will I know what is happening day to day at camp?
We encourage parents to check your email for important reminders and information about camp events. Additionally, we post photos in the photo gallery of our website—we will email passwords at the start of the session.
What if I want to extend camp by adding additional sessions?
Please contact the camp office to check on availability of additional sessions. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
What if my camper will be absent from camp?
Please call 248-932-2123 or
What is the latest time I can pick up my camper from camp?
If you would like to pick up your child, please notify the camp office by sending an email or calling at least an hour prior to pick-up. Please note that all pickups must be done before 3:00 p.m. and you must sign your camper out when you arrive at camp.
What if I have to drop my camper off late to camp?
All late drop offs must be after 10:00 a.m. If you would like to drop off your camper, please notify the camp office by sending an email or calling at least an hour prior to pick-up. Please note that you must sign your camper in when you arrive at camp.
We have limited parking facilities and buses moving about the parking lot – for the safety of everyone involved, please do not arrive after 3:00 p.m. or before 10:00 a.m. You must sign your child in or out. We will alert your child after you have arrived.
Do counselors ride the camp vehicles?
Typically 5-6 counselors ride on the camp buses from the beginning to the end of the route. Vans are staffed by a driver and a counselor. The camp day begins and ends on the camp vehicles – with singing, games and lots of spirit – the ride to and from camp are great parts of the day.
Can my camper ride another bus home?
Insurance regulations and space restrictions prohibit campers from riding other vehicles home.
What should my child bring to camp each day?
Campers should wear a t-shirt, shorts and gym shoes every day. We encourage campers to apply sunscreen in the morning. Pack a backpack with a swimsuit, towel, sunscreen and lunch. Please consider sending two bathing suits and two towels as we swim twice daily. Please leave all valuables and electronics at home.
What about sunscreen?
Campers should bring sunscreen from home (name labeled please). Spray sunscreen and sunscreen sticks (for face) are recommended, so that it doesn’t have to be rubbed in. As always, we will continue to have campers re-apply numerous times during the day. Our staff will also help campers as needed in applying (wearing gloves and/or hand washing before and after). Applying sunscreen is another technique you could practice at home with your campers.
What does Willoway do if it rains?
Camp continues rain or shine. Alternate activities and programs will take place in our multiple indoor spaces, activity pavilions, craft shop and dining hall.
What kind of shoes should my child wear?
Gym shoes are the best for camp. Please DO NOT send your child to camp in open-toed shoes.
When can I visit my camper at camp?
Willoway offers camp tours on weekends beginning in May. However, for safety and security reasons, we do not offer open visitation during the camp season--if you want to schedule a tour, please contact us at 248-932-2123 or
Does my camper's lunch get refrigerated?
Yes! Lunches sent from home (brown bag, please) are separated by group and refrigerated each day.
May I send special treats for my child's group?
As many campers have food allergies, we ask that you do not send special treats to camp.
What about peanuts/tree nuts and other allergies?
Willoway is nut-aware. Nothing served by Willoway (including milk and cookies & cookouts) will contain peanuts or tree nuts. We ask your cooperation in NOT sending any food containing nuts to camp. However, our catered lunches are prepared by an outside contractor and while nothing contains nuts, we cannot guarantee against cross contamination.
Does Willoway have a cookout?
A Friday cook-out lunch will be provided for all campers.
When is my tuition payment due?
Full payment is due May 1. If you would like to make a payment online, please visit
What if I have to change sessions?
We are happy to change or extend your summer schedule, based on availability. Please call 248-932-2123 or email
What if I want to extend camp by adding additional sessions?
Please call the camp office to check on availability of additional sessions. We will do our best to accommodate your needs.
What is the cancellation policy?
Our Willoway 2025 Cancellation Policy is as follows:
Cancel enrollment before December 15, 2024 (no fee to change sessions, based on space availability) | No charge. Full refund. |
Cancel enrollment between December 15, 2024 and February 15, 2025 (no fee to change sessions, based on space availability) | $100 per camper fee |
Session cancellations (i.e., reduction in weeks) between February 16 and March 31, 2025 | $200 per camper fee |
Session cancellations (i.e., reduction in weeks) between April 1 and April 30, 2025 | $300 per camper fee |
Session cancellations (i.e., reduction in weeks) between May 1 and May 31, 2025 | $500 per camper fee |
Session cancellations (i.e., reduction in weeks) on or after June 1, 2025 | $750 per camper fee |
Cancel after session has begun | No refund. |
All cancellations must be in writing or by email to
What about missed days or vacations?
There can be no credit given for early withdrawal, vacations or other missed days. Partial credit for ILLNESS exceeding FIVE CONSECUTIVE DAYS, will be applied to the following year’s camp enrollment.