Days Until Camp!

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Trailblazers: Kindergarten-Fourth Grade

It’s all action for Willoway Trailblazers! Focused on fun, Trailblazers build skills, boost self-esteem and enjoy lots of exciting activities including: archery, drama, fencing, fishing, Ga-Ga-Ga, go-karting, volleyball, tennis, nature and soccer.

Small groups and great counselor to camper ratios (1:6) help assure success. Swimming twice daily, morning Red Cross swim instruction teaches new skills and afternoon free swim reinforces them in each of our two beautiful blue pools. We teach swimming!

Our Campers’ Choice Program offers Trailblazers regular opportunities to participate in activities of special interest, of their own choice. And, special all-camp events and activities bring the entire camp together for fun and excitement.

The emphasis is on non-competitive fun, it has been our recipe for success for generations.


Explorers: Fifth-Seventh Grade
Willoway’s Explorers are looking forward to choice, variety and fun! With the chance to build their own schedules to promote individual skills and experiences, Explorers will choose from digital photography, drama, dance, challenge course, climbing wall, rugby, rocketry, nature, golf, pontooning, paddleboating, ceramics, canoeing and more!!  Explorers are in for FUN!

Swimming twice daily, morning swim will help build new skills and afternoon free swim offers a chance to make a splash.  Our afternoon Selectives Program is a chance to focus on activities of special interest, allowing deeper exploration of a sport, craft, or hobby of their own choice.  Selectives might include golf, digital photography, dance, football, rugby or synchronized swimming, to name a few.

Add to this, exciting camp-wide activities, plus fun college-age counselors and we’ve got a great recipe for Summer FUN.

Exciting opportunities await Explorers this summer – special “Explorer Only” unit programs and activities, including day-trips to the lake & beach, the nature center, or other cool destinations await.  

Explorers is all about exciting activities for campers, combining the best of Willoway with new and cool offerings.


Leaders In Training: Eighth-Ninth Grade
Willoway’s Leaders-in-Training (LIT) Program is a unique opportunity to develop leadership and communication skills in a fun camp environment. LIT’s gain a fuller and richer perspective on what it means to be a team player and leader through hands-on experiences and special activities.

LIT’s have a wide range of opportunities – helping with groups and activities – acting as role models for younger children, learning and practicing teamwork, all while gaining confidence at Willoway!

LIT’s can look forward to special activities geared just for them, including group beach outings, teambuilding, and challenge course projects, special campcraft activities and participation weekly Explorer Trips.


Willoway Day Camp
PO Box 250933
West Bloomfield, MI 48325

Phone: 248-932-2123