Days Until Camp!

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When you enrolled, your camper's enrollment application contained much of the required health information.  However, we do require a Doctor's Examination Form to be completed and on file three weeks before camp begins.  Please click to download the form.

Doctor’s Examination Form — please have your doctor complete and sign the form and include AN IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE. Completed forms and vaccinations schedules may be uploaded here or returned by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).  Please complete and return by June 1. 


  • In addition to Doctor's Exam Form, A COMPLETE IMMUNIZATION HISTORY IS REQUIRED BEFORE ATTENDANCE AT CAMP.  IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS REQUIREMENT PLEASE CALL 248-932-2123 OR EMAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ***.

  • We are unable to accept vaccination waivers, except in instances of documented allergy/or medical contraindication. 
  • A new Doctor Exam Form is required for each camp year. We cannot use past year's copies.



If essential medication is sent to camp, please place medication and directions in a sealed plastic bag with the camper’s name, and group name on both the container and the bag and give it to the driver.  All instructions regarding your child must be both in writing and called into the camp office at (248) 932-2123.



If your child will be coming to camp with an epi-pen, please let us know by sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or calling us at (248) 932-2123 at least 2 weeks in advance of the start of the camp session. 

Please send ONE PAIR of epi-pens (or one Auvi-Q) to camp—give to bus counselor each day.  During the camp day, they will remain at camp in the first aid station and be sent home in your camper's backpack each afternoon.  Please be sure to have your child's name on the container.  

NOTE: The epi pens will be returned home each day in a white paper lunch bag in your camper’s backpack. Please look carefully for this paper bag. 



Willoway Day Camp
PO Box 250933
West Bloomfield, MI 48325

Phone: 248-932-2123