Days Until Camp!

Willoway 2025 

Waiting List Information


You're on a Waiting List.  What does this mean, exactly?

Our intention is to welcome everyone for their desired session(s) at camp.  However, this is limited by factors such as staffing (we need counselors to run camp!) and program space (only so many swimmers in the pool, for example).  It is also limited by safety considerations as well as space on buses. 


Waiting List Notes

  • To be on the waiting list, we require a completed application and $300 deposit.  If we are unable to secure a spot for your camper, we will refund the deposit.

  • Families' plans change constantly.  As soon as we have an opening, we review the waiting list to see what we can do to accommodate waiting campers.

  • We don’t typically share “where a camper is on the waiting list” as it can be misleading. We group campers by gender and grade level. For example, a cancellation might occur from a 6-year-old girl and the waitlist for that session may have several 12-year-old boys. Gender balance and grade are key factors and siblings add another dynamic. Decisions to move from the waitlist are based on such factors in addition to the order of signing up.

  • We will reach out by email or phone as soon as a space is available for the camp session. Depending on the timing, we may ask you to commit within a designated time before we move on and offer the space to another camper.

  • We appreciate your patience as we try to arrange a space for your camper.  


Contact us anytime -- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 248-932-2123.   


Willoway Day Camp
PO Box 250933
West Bloomfield, MI 48325

Phone: 248-932-2123